Browsing all posts in April, 2009.
American Idol: Adam vs. Kris
Let me first start off by saying: (1) This blog entry is strictly off of my guilty pleasure of this season’s American Idol, and I’m sorry if it seems superficial to talk about it….well, I don’t really care, it’s my site. (2) I TOTALLY called Adam Lambert and Kris Allen being the final two BACK when the top 36 were announced, and obviously, I STILL stand by that statement…[read more]
Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter…Oh My!
If you have any sense of computer and internet literacy, you have an account with one of these websites. Whether you hopped on the bandwagon recently, or you’ve witnessed the many re-designs, like I have, from when you first signed up, there’s no doubt at least one, two, or all three of these culture shifters…[read more]
Wiggle Your Big Toe
As I lay in the back of Buck’s pickup truck on the couch, trying to will my limbs ankle and foot out of entropy, I could see the faces of the people who did this to me, and the man responsible. Members all of Bill’s brainchild; “The Deadly Viper Assassination Squad.” that were enjoying my hosting (at least I think they were), and the show responsible. All audience members of the “Storm Chasers Variety Show.”….read more.